Wednesday, March 16, 2016

On Trump

 I did not vote for Trump in the primaries, but Triple A makes a strong case -
Lets' check out The Trumpster's presidential referrals... -  by Triple A
The Obama is against Trump... Check
The Media is against Trump... Check
The establishment Democrats are against Trump... Check
The establishment Republicans Are against Trump... Check
The Pope is against Trump... Check
The UN is against Trump... Check
The EU is against Trump... Check
China is against Trump... Check 
Mexico is against Trump... Check
Hateful, Racist, Violent Liberals against Trump... Check
Best qualifications Ever!!
Bonus points!!
Cher says she will leave the country...
Cyrus says she will leave the country...
Whoopi says she will leave the country...
Rosie says she will leave the country...
Sharpton says he will leave the country...
My Vote for Trump... Check

This is not and never has been a Democracy. We are a Republic. This is a nation built on a contract between the Government and the people. The people that tell us we have elected them violate that contract routinely and more-and-more with impunity. The Democrat and Republican establishments attempts to thwart the voice of the people is just another example of that .
The Founders of this nation feared Democracy, for the will of the people is fickle and unpredictable; but more than that it is arbitrary and without analytical forethought.
You would not play chess with rules subject to the whims of expediency. You would not play Monopoly® with a Banker that cheats. Why do we play real life this way?
Apparently, the American population has been well trained to seek rulers rather than managers. And that desire draws people seeking power and wealth. I have long said that anyone who wants these elected offices should not be trusted with them.